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DCVC Climate Impact Report 2023

Over the past decade and a half, DCVC has pioneered venture investment in deep tech. Our portfolio companies have ranged across human health, industrial trans­for­ma­tion, defense – and, of course, climate. The promise of our investments in this last category, spanning clean energy innovation, carbon trans­for­ma­tion, water resilience, chemical fertilizer replacement, and beyond, encouraged us to establish a dedicated climate tech fund in 2023. Now, we felt, was truly climate tech’s time. 

DCVC Climate seeks to back break­through tech­no­log­ical advances that address the world’s toughest climate challenges. The fund focuses on commer­cial­izing emerging climate tech solutions to catalyze meaningful improve­ments to established value chains, transform high emitting industries, and contribute to mitigation and adaptation efforts. 

This is the first impact report for our inaugural climate fund. In the years to come, we will publish annual install­ments dedicated to showcasing the power of deep tech to fight the climate crisis. Our goal is to trans­par­ently share the ways we invest for climate impact, while telling the stories of how the incredible entre­pre­neurs and teams in our ecosystem are working to restore health to our envi­ron­ments. In this vital work, we drive toward venture-scale returns for our investors. 

We are encouraged by the possi­bil­i­ties of what we can collec­tively achieve in addressing the greatest challenge of our time, and we look forward to bringing you along on our journey.


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