Deep Tech Opportunities Report DCVC DTOR 2024: New storage and generation technologies will make the electrical grid cleaner and more resilient
News CH4 Global opens the world's first commercial-scale Asparagopsis production facility By Zachary Bogue, Dr. Justin Kern
News Alta debuts with $5.1 million Seed to sustainably separate critical minerals using advanced biochemistry By James Hardiman
DCVC Announcements DCVC closes $700 million+ in new funds for a healthier planet and healthier lives; releases second-annual Deep Tech Opportunities Report and first-annual DCVC Climate Impact Report
News DCVC Bio III closes at $400 million By Dr. John Hamer, Dr. Kiersten Stead, Matthew Ocko, Zachary Bogue
News Umoja gets FDA approval to begin clinical trials of its transformative in vivo gene therapy for cancer By Dr. Kiersten Stead, Dr. John Hamer
News DCVC companies are at the forefront of better generative AI: Databricks to acquire MosaicML for $1.3B By Matthew Ocko
News DCVC proud to back ElectronX in its quest to build the first-ever direct-access regulated derivatives exchange for the electric power markets By Ali Tamaseb
Deep Tech Opportunities Report DCVC DTOR 2024: With quantum computing, we invest in the picks and shovels
News IBM builds Q-CTRL’s error-suppression software into its quantum computing service By James Hardiman
News MosaicML announces right advance at right time—high-performance, affordable, secure, explainable AI By Matthew Ocko
News Alta debuts with $5.1 million Seed to sustainably separate critical minerals using advanced biochemistry By James Hardiman
Thoughts Climate tech’s lemons-to-lemonade moment: how the private sector can ensure a durable, clean American industrial renaissance By Milo Werner
Deep Tech Opportunities Report DCVC DTOR 2024: Agility Robotics is a real-world case study in operational data
News CH4 Global opens the world's first commercial-scale Asparagopsis production facility By Zachary Bogue, Dr. Justin Kern
DCVC Announcements DCVC closes $700 million+ in new funds for a healthier planet and healthier lives; releases second-annual Deep Tech Opportunities Report and first-annual DCVC Climate Impact Report
News DCVC anchors $150 million in financing for Impulse Space to deliver precise, fast, and affordable maneuverability of satellites within and between orbits By Matthew Ocko, Matt O'Connell
Deep Tech Opportunities Report DCVC DTOR 2024: TechBio is emerging as the data-centric, AI-native counterweight to biotech
News Relation Therapeutics partners with GSK in history-making collaboration to create new treatments for fibrosis and osteoarthritis By Jason Pontin
News DCVC leads $35 million financing to help UK TechBio leader Relation Therapeutics to seek new treatments for complex diseases By Jason Pontin, Zachary Bogue